Q&A for Discussion

  • Does this approval grant Vertex the right to connect small-cell (5G) antennas anywhere in this town? 
  • Is there any connection – whether by contract or precedent – between this approval, the approval of the tower at 184 South Road, and the potential installation of antennas in other locations?
  • Does the town have a plan and process to monitor & regulate emissions from these towers, in order to fulfil the health and safety standards established in the zoning ordinance?
  • Does this approval grant Vertex the right to substantially modify the tower and the number of antennas it supports?
  • Will the town reconsider a revision of the Zoning Ordinance to more properly reflect environmental, health & safety concerns in its definition of an abutter?
  • What has the town done to evaluate other options that address its safety concerns? 
  • Will the town defer the application until (a) residents have had the opportunity to learn, debate and offer their considered opinions on these issues; and (b) the town has had the opportunity to evaluate the coverage improvement afforded by the installation of the tower at 184 South Road?


4 responses to “Q&A for Discussion”

  1. Mike DeCaprio Avatar
    Mike DeCaprio

    All excellent questions and points to consider before the town approves any additional towers beyond the one to be located on South St. My guess is that many people in town are not aware of the approval of either of these towers therefore using this website as part of a multi pronged awareness campaign will help educate townspeople. Thank you!

  2. Ami Steinmetz Delgado Avatar
    Ami Steinmetz Delgado

    Let’s stay ahead of the curve. There is urgency in acting now & continue learning! Our volunteers on town boards need our help & support. This is a great time to participate. I think we, Kensington residents, can all find our common ground here to be on the same team to control the narrative, not by giving away our power to aggressive, profit motivated sight developers racing to steer us into hasty actions with threats that are inconsiderate of protecting our health, preserving agricultural zones and jeopardizing our financial investments. Thank you for the educational resources here!

  3. susan c armstrong Avatar
    susan c armstrong

    do all you people that are against this cell tower have cell phones of your own? Do all of you have satellite phones ? So who are you against?, your neighbor that does not have cell phone service even for 911! That doesn’t sound like building community , but dividing community. So think of your neighbors that cant get emergency services when they need them , like you can.

  4. Karen Parker Feld Avatar
    Karen Parker Feld

    There are few people in this town I admire more than our fire chief, Jon True. He upholds a sacred duty to keep the residents of Kensington safe from harm, and has done so with distinction for many years. Even more impressive is that he understands that safety is not the only, or highest, value of a community; he balances that priority with considerations for the town’s life and livelihood. It is no exaggeration to say that, without Jon’s support and guidance, Crows’ Feat Farm – and especially our summer concert series – would not exist today. He played an instrumental role in bringing it to fruition, allowing us to bring live music and farm dinners to Kensington, safely. Plus he’s a wonderful human being!

    Jon and I haven’t always agreed, but we respect each other, and I think that’s a hallmark of a strong community: diverse perspectives built around shared values; friendly disagreements that we work through together to achieve common goals. Kensington will have a new cell tower very soon, at 184 South Road, and we all hope that it will substantially improve cellular coverage in this town. The question is: How far will the first tower go in addressing coverage gaps? Do we need a second tower, right now, in the midst of hundreds of acres of conservation land? Is that the best place for it? And should the residents of Kensington have any say in these matters?

    Let’s keep the conversation going!

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